Remove, Reinvest,


Ethical &

We avoid “Greenwashing” through rigorous measurement. Our business model has a true impact on the environment. We don’t just offset carbon, we remove it from the atmosphere.

Giving Life to Marginal Working Lands

We transform marginal farmland and other degraded working lands into sustainable forests, guiding landowners, especially those in USDA Agricultural Easement Programs, through tree planting and a smooth transition process.

Transforming Company Futures

Reforestation Projects

Red River Pilot Project

Our forestry-based carbon capture project spans approximately 18,000 acres of land in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Through annual enrollments, our project will continue expanding to link forested areas to form conservation corridors along the Red River, its tributaries, and their adjacent wetlands.
We aim to use carbon credit earnings to support conservation practices and their ecological benefits.

Industry Leaders changing the Landscape

Carbon Rho was founded by environmental professionals and industry leaders in oil and gas to create a smarter Carbon Credit program that not only offsets but restores. With 100+ years of collective experience, we know how to solve the credibility problems other project developers can’t

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8222 Douglas Ave, Suite 900,
Dallas, TX 75225