United States: Four States Region of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas
Up to 55-year evergreen crediting period contract with participating landowners (Link to CARB project documentation)
July 2022
26,000 interim credits issued in October 2023 (2023 Vintage). Group project with annual credit issuance that varies based on on-going enrollments
Improved Forest Management (imbedded reforestation projects)
Up to 55 year crediting period with 10 year residual monitoring (https://bcarbon.org/forest-carbon)
BCarbon Pilot Project with 3rd Party biometrician review (Auburn University Staff)
Over 30,000 Mt/CO2e of modeled annual removal capacity, with 26,000 digitally minted removal credits. (Pilot data not inclusive of over 8,500 MtCO2e/acre of annual belowground carbon accruals)
In lieu of project buffer pool, BCarbon requires bonding to cover potential reversals at an mutually agreed level (20% basis for pilot project)
Project materiality monitoring requires all owners to report any reversals (intentional or unitentional) over 5-acres. At the project level, Carbon Rho completes interim desktop reviews between field measurment of test plots and reports any material losses to the group project baseline that exceed 5-percent of annual project sequestrations (e.g. annual removal basis for material losses).
Landowner must cure breech of contract by restoring intentional reversal to make the group project pool of credits whole.
Emission reduction credits are not created using the BCarbon Forest Carbon Protocol; rather, the forward looking protocol only allows for quantification and certification of future carbon removal credits.
Improved Forestry Management Protocol with imbedded afforestation/reforestation tracts. Static baseline; however, baseline is not used as basis for generating avoided emissions credits, as all crediting is based on future measured drawdown of CO2. 5-Year measurement and net carbon accounting process includes ex ante and ex post modeling of interim carbon removals via the US Forest Service Forest Vegetation Simulator (e.d. ex post allow for true-up accounting). BCarbon Forest Carbon Protocol https://bcarbon.org/forest-carbon
Red River Pilot Project – Strategic Design & the BCarbon Protocol
Annual ex-ante modeling with 5-year measurement and net carbon accounting/true-up frequency (US Forest Service – Forest Vegetation Simulator; See 2023 project baseline report link above)
TBD – Independent project rating by BeZero (in progress)
18,182 (deeded) and 12,183 (forested)
Potential to impacts up to six unique ecoregions, including Texas blackland prairies; East central Texas plain; South central plains; Ouachita mountains; Arkansas valley and Mississippi alluvial plain
Alluvial floodplain and adjacent riparian habitat
Varies (see baseline carbon inventory)
Varies (see baseline carbon inventory)
1) Riparian habitat & biodiversity (restoration, protection, and/or enhancement); (2) UN SDGs – 6,13,14,15,16 ; (3) Water quality; (4) Soil erosion control; (5) Recreation (6) Aesthetics & tangible/intangible ecosystem services